Fast Track
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Multiple times around the Fast Track?

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Multiple times around the Fast Track? Empty Multiple times around the Fast Track?

Post  Notmyfault! Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:30 am

When on the Fast Track, I know you must exit closest to your home, but can you pass the exit and take it the next time around?


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Join date : 2014-01-04

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Multiple times around the Fast Track? Empty Movement on the fast track

Post  pagat Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:48 pm

As I understand it the normal rule is that on the fast track you cannot move past your home row in either direction. So moving forward on the fast track when you reach the spot of your colour you have to turn left and go along the main track towards the entrance to your home row, and moving backward you have to turn right onto the main track when you reach the line of holes that leads directly to your holding pen exit.

So you cannot go round multiple times. A variant has been posted in another thread concerning a backward move around the fast track that would cause you to overshoot by exactly one hole. Normally you would then have to move one hole along the main track towards your holding pen exit, but according to this house rule you may instead move to the bull's eye. I don't know whether this variant rule is widespread or used only by a few players.

I have a web page where I have tried to explain the rules of Fast Track as I currently understand. I would be happy to improve the page, so if you find that anything there is unclear, incorrect or missing, please do let me know.


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Join date : 2010-08-08

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